Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Another Night, Another Ex"

I feel maybe I should stop making plans when I know I’ll see an ex, because that could just be where the drama stems from. The night out with Lyndsey, that I may have mentioned before, is a prime example.

I really tried not to think about her like that but I just couldn’t help it. I bought her several drinks, we danced a little, and held hands as we wandered through the crowds so we wouldn’t be split up.

“We’ll go in there later,” she told me, referring to the VW van the club had converted into a seating area. With all the drinks, conversations, dancing and hand holding I’d failed to remember about the boyfriend.

“I really wish she didn’t have a boyfriend.” I told our mutual friend Lara at the bar.

“I knew, I just knew, you would say that,” she replied, punching my arm, “Too little...”

“...Too late,” I said, finishing her sentence, “I know.” We grabbed our drinks from the bar and rejoined the group.

Lyndsey and I sat talking, and for some reason unknown to me, the conversation turned to Ella. A year on from mine and Lyndsey’s “on stage” kiss, Ella was still ignoring Lyndsey. Lyndsey delved and asked out our break up and what went on. Maybe she was just curious? So I told her. I was very honest about it all, and maybe that was a mistake but what could I do? I’d had a few too many vodka mixers.

Several more drinks later and I sat talking to another of our friends. “You still like Lyndsey don’t you?” She asked bluntly.

“How can I say I still like her? It’s been a year, and people and things change and move on.” Very diplomatic I thought.

“What is it then?” She continued.

“Well, I’m still interested, but would I commit, especially when she’s in a relationship? I don’t know.” She smiled. That answer obviously pleased her. “So tell me about the boy. What’s he like?” I wanted to know.

“Well, he’s my friend, and I think she likes him. But she’s already said tonight that she’d cheat on him...with you.”

And there it was: a window of hope? Then I had a thought: could I really be the other guy? With a few vodkas in my system I probably could. But I wouldn’t like to be cheated on, and I’m sure the new boy wouldn’t either. So after wandering to the next club with my arm round her waist, more hand holding, and some light petting, I drew the line. I can’t be coming home and trying to make it what it was a year ago. I need to let go, and definitely move on. And so I did...and I’m back in my beloved Leeds.


Frank said...

"I drew the line. I can’t be coming home and trying to make it what it was a year ago. I need to let go, and definitely move on."

I like it. There comes a point where you just have to put your foot down about some things. During my last time around, that came far too late, and it was pretty much a moot point, since she held all the cards by that point. But to enter into a situation where cheating is possible...that's just asking for trouble.

shi(f)t said...

good for you. when it starts with cheating, it usually ends with cheating...

Kitty said...

I'm curious about you and the dramatic women. My theory is that these women are drawn to nice guys. Opposites attract, after all.

They're drawn to nice guys (like you) so they can act out their drama. I'm glad you resisted the potential drama of being the Other Guy. A complete waste of energy!

I'm sure it'll all work out. They always do!

fishwithoutbicycle said...

Glad to hear you resisted temptation Noah. Moving on feels good.

Auburn Kat said...

Good for you for not crossing that line! I've been cheated on too many times and it is the worst feeling in the world. She should not be with that guy if she is willing to cheat and she prob would do the samething to you!