Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Too Little, Too Late"

It took a whole day or so for this whole ‘not caring’, and ‘just playing the field’ mentality to go out of the window. I come home to find out Lyndsey, who I was, and still am, meeting up with Saturday night (along with a couple of other friends) is ‘in a relationship’. I think I might actually be the walking advertisement for ‘too little, too late’. Example A - Ella got straight into a relationship about a month after we broke up and she’s sill with the guy – I’ve been talking with her, and I don’t want to say I like her again but there’s still definitely feelings there a year on. Lyndsey was single up until about a week ago – I don’t even know the guy. And Jaime...well, which guy is she with tonight? We won’t go there. I always am too little, too late. I always have been, but I’m determined not to be any longer. I think I need to start being more open with how I feel, laying my cards down on the table. Is rejection better than missing out on the ‘what could have been’ moments in life?


Frank said...

My ex and I broke up over a year ago. She started dating a new guy 5 DAYS after we broke up (we had dated for nearly 5 years, mind you) whom she claimed she had not been cheating on me with. Her story was that they met the day after we broke up. I don't know whether to believe her or not, and frankly I don't care anymore. It's been over a year and she's still with him, and I'm still very single, but that doesn't mean I haven't been putting myself out there. Rejection sucks, I know, but I'd rather take the risk instead of being afraid to get hurt again. I always feel that if I let fear control me, then my ex has won, and I'm not going to let that happen.

Alexandra said...

thanks for your comment. I really love your Blog. Every few weeks I stop by to catch up. You're an awesome writer and I'm sure sooner or later you'll have better luck with the Ladies!